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03.-09.12.2012 in Belgrade
2012 EHF "Rinck" Convention Open Master Coach and Licensing Course
This is the third and final module of the Course.
Coaches - Kovacs Peter
1. Group and team play in extended fast break and turnover play
2. Special training of back court players
3. Transitions as teactical elements in offense play
Coaches - Pokrajac Branislav
3. Changing of rhythm and speed during the game
4. Drills with balls to improve coordination
5. Handball specific drills for power training and endurance training
Psychology - Pollany Wolfgang
1. Educational Framework-Leadership_Pollany original
Event Management - Peter Fröschl
Organizing major EHF BH events
Event Management - Höritsch Helmut
Additional Material - Peter Fröschl
1.3. Program SRB 3rd module
1.4. Participation List_SRB_Dec